Blender for OSX or Windows are great to install and automatic file
association (not .zip version), but for linux, Ubuntu for example, we need
to use the .tar.gz version, without file association, IF we want the
lastest version. To make it works we need to install the repository version
and change the /usr/bin/blender, making a link for the new one. This was
the "user" workaround I was always doing.
At the end I realize the biggest problem is that Blender version from
repository is ALWAYS outdated, and it suppose to be the easiest and best
way to install a software. And not only Blender, but most of softwares from
Ubuntu (and other linuxes?) are outdated.
So, first my question is: can we upgrade directly Blender from repository?
I know there is some ppa repo for that, but we are talking here about an
official Blender release, so would be great if it goes straight to the
official or at least community Ubuntu repositories. If not, can we still
have the same features, mainly the file association, on the .deb .rpm file?


Moraes Junior - aka mangojambo
Animator & 3D Artist
+55 43 88133399 <>

On 14 December 2011 02:59, Michael Fox <> wrote:

> with a release on us, are we going to release a .deb and .rpm for this
> and furthur releases?
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