On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 8:23 AM, Yousef Hurfoush <ba...@msn.com> wrote:
>> I would just like to point out that listing a script into wiki pages does
>> not take much time!
> i know (probably half an hour to write good docs), but tell that to the 
> scripters!
> (how are you explaining that there are too many scripts not in the wiki)
> also bf-extensions does have some rules, makes you waiting for approval to 
> include it
> in contrib-addons and that alone could take weeks or months, instead of 
> submitting directly.

IMHO _this_ is the problem. currently I don't spend enough time on
script review, but there are also not many other people peer-reviewing
addons which would help a lot.

I also miss users testing new addons and kicking devs to review, it
seems all to common for someone to post their addon into our
extensions upload section and nothing happens :(,

To alleviate this problem we have been giving developers access to
`contrib`, where they can develop their script and users can test - so
the review process happens when moving from contrib to trunk, which is
working OK but we still have a backlog of un-reviewed addons :S.

By comparison wiki docs are less of an issue IMHO, to begin with they
can have a template and add a paragraph of text explaining what the
script does.
IMHO contrib scripts dont need to have a wiki page - to lower the
barrier of entry a bit especially if devs didnt use a wiki before.

To sum up - we need to get better at reviewing work quick - an
extension repo is solving a different problem.

>> Long story short, IMHO it's just a pre-concept (or in many cases,
>> lazyness) stopping you from using the wiki.
> exactly!
> NOW how a app central would change that?
> Regards
> Yousef Harfoush
> ba...@msn.com
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