The patch is now available here:

I would love it if people could try it out and inform me of any problems or
suggestions. I would be happy to update the patch given feedback.

Following is a reprint of the patch description:

This patch is against svn r43478


* Pressing the grab/rotate/resize button while the tool is already active
will cause the tool to confirm the current transformation. In the case of
switching rotation modes, this functionality has been moved to Shift-R
* When using a transform tool bound to right click, right clicking will
confirm instead of cancel; otherwise it will cancel like before.
* Holding a transform button/key will drag the object. If the user holds
for longer than 250ms or farther than 10 pixels then the action is treated
like a drag and when the key is released the transformation is
automatically confirmed.


* This patch removes some duplicate code in the modal handler for transform
* In order to support this patch some slight changes have been made in the
way handler operators are called. Duplicate button/key presses are now
filtered by the handler and not sent to the operator, and information about
the handler/keymapitem which invoked the operator (if any) have been added
to the wmOperator structure.
* The previous event state also now includes the "prevkeytime" - the time
that the previous keyboard key was pressed.


This patch attempts to improve the usability of the transformation tools by
implementing behavior which most users will expect. If a button is pressed
once to activate a tool, than users can expect to be able to press that
same button again to deactivate the tool. If the user presses and holds the
button then the functionality should remain active for as long an the
button is held down and then deactivate when it is released.

In order to implement this behavior, the behavior when pressing the
rotation button twice had to be changed. Before, the second press toggled
the rotation type. This functionality has been moved to Shift-R. I
recommend that the default bindings also be changed so that Shift-R
activates rotation directly in trackball mode, to reduce the number of key
presses required to access that mode. I feel that while the different
behavior may cause some friction for some current Blender users, the new
features should help users, new users especially, feel more comfortable
with Blender.

Jorge "Vino" Rodriguez
twitter: VinoBS
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