Am 26.02.2012 16:10, schrieb Ton Roosendaal:
> Hi,

Hello ;-)

> Independent how many people like things, there's also a simple issue of 
> managing Blender well.
> I would not like to get such important changes in Blender just based on a 
> moment someone complains and  gets a bunch of mails by people who endorse it. 
> Independent whether it's a good idea; usability is something to handle 
> carefully.

This is a good thing, in the past this was for sure not always the case.

But this discussion again shows that the user base of artists likes to 
be heared and take part during these decissions. With all respect to the 
developers (GUI or kernel), it is not always usefull what was usefull 
during dvelopment, it shows while using Blender as a tool.

So I think we should listen to the artists and users how they use this 
tool and not make Blender easy to learn as first target.

But of course we need a good and in long term fixed default map which we 
can rely on while learning and teaching.

And please no more SHIFT-STRG-ALT-C for functions you use alldays while 
modelling. This is probably the most hated combo. Closely folowed by the 
change of stepping +10 frames with (former) SHIFT-UP which now jumps to 
the next key.


Carsten Wartmann: Autor - Dozent - 3D - Grafik
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