On that note, what is the state of the ptex integration Nicholas Bishop 
started? That would be a big one for me!



On Fri Mar  2 20:37:14 2012, Tom M wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm currently working on our GSoC mentoring organization application.
> Part of that process is providing an ideas list.
> To form the ideas list I've invited our user community to post their
> wishes to this thread
> http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?247490-GSoC-Wishlist
> I've summarized the results thus far here
> http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Ref/GoogleSummerOfCode/2012/Wishlist
> and have marked things that were a priority for a lot of people with *****
> Mentors (any core coder/previous years mentors/most folks who have
> commit rights qualify) - if you would be willing to scan through the
> list it would be good to make note of
> 1) stuff that should likely be done only by a core developer - ie add
> - Core Only
> 2) stuff on your todo list that you would like others not to touch -
> ie add - Brecht todo
> 3) stuff that you would be willing to mentor if it is selected and
> would be willing to answer questions from potential gsoc applicants on
> - ie add - Campbell mentor (note that it is preferable to have
> multiple potential mentors for each, so even if someone else has their
> name by it, please add yours too if you are interested :) )
> i realise that many things on the list are too small to be a complete
> gsoc project but we can often aggregate a bunch of small todos into a
> larger gsoc project
> Also core developers please feel free to add your own ideas that you
> would enjoy mentoring or projects that you would like a student to
> help you on.
> Those items that have a potential mentor by them I will move to the
> official ideas list.
> LetterRip
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