Hi Aligorith,
I think the data-loss aspect of this is more important that solution
elegance or system consistency.  I agree that simply reverting to
having actions having fake users by default is not a good long-term
solution.  But unless we can guarantee that we will have a good
solution in the very next release (2.63) then IMO we need to revert
back as a stop-gap solution while we figure out a better long-term

The data-loss aspect of this is too important to be ignored for another release.

I am definitely interested in the patch you mention.  Can you give a
brief outline of how it would affect action management and address
this problem?

In the end, I still feel like the long-term solution is to change
Blender's user-facing data management model to something less
garbage-collection oriented.  But that's obviously a long way off, and
so we'll need something else in the short/mid-term.


On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 3:56 AM, Joshua Leung <aligor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just finished going through all the arguments about this so far,
> and have written up my thoughts on this whole issue [1].
> Here's the summary:
> 1) I do not think that simply "reverting the default" is a good idea.
> It the "blue pill option", which just doesn't solve the issue at all,
> apart from for the people complaining.
> 2) The discussions about asset management tools and whatnot are just
> that. Pie in the sky stuff that will not be in place anytime soon, and
> which still has a look of unknowns attached to it which requires
> significant developer time. As people have mentioned, we have some
> other concerns that need addressing first.
> 3) I propose that we look at this another way, and solve the root
> cause of the problems with why people are loosing actions. They're
> creating "action libraries", where they animate multiple actions for a
> single object/datablock. However, we currently have no way of knowing
> that those actions they have created are in any way associated with
> these datablocks.
> Now, I've seen a patch in the patch tracker which does address these
> issues. I've reviewed it a few times, and in light of this debate,
> will do so again when I get time in the next week. IMO, this is the
> approach we should take.
> Regards,
> Aligorith
> ---
> [1] 
> http://aligorith.blogspot.co.nz/2012/03/response-to-action-fake-user-issue.html
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