I think most of the stuff on your list is either a simple fix or could
be implemented in a short time with a little python-fu... and a couple
are either 'features' (color picker) or already exist (context
sensitive menus in addons).

Couple comments (in random order):

>> Floating buttons support
I could knock that out in an hour (at most) as a python operator using
bgl, did something similar with my pie menu script... took a lot
longer than an hour though since I had to learn both opengl and some
linear algebra to get it to work (and fix some bugs in blf along the

>> FPS-style navigation
Pretty sure that already exists as 'fly-mode'.

>> Camera view navigation
Simple to write as a py-operator... with the above and 'set camera to
view' chained together would take like 5 minutes to implement.

>> Non-obvious progress bar
Also not too hard, what would be a project would be to unlink the
progress bar from the jobs system so anyone could use it... thought I
had it once but turns out all I did was py-wrap the OSX specific
progress bar on the dock or whatever they call it.

>> Separators do not drag closed
I kind of like that they don't close actually.

>> Face-preserving edge delete
Think that's called 'dissolve an edge' in bmesh.

>> Right click -> rename/delete in the material/texture editors
Left clicking on the little text box is really that hard?

>> Right click -> cut/copy/paste for text fields
As in ctrl+C and ctrl+V?

While I'm just an Innocent bystander in all this I really don't see a
laundry list of (mostly) simple fixes as in the spirit of the GSOC, I
don't think they just want a code monkey for the summer either way.

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