Thank you guys!

I checked the BulletDev and as Sergej said, there is nothing for 
collisions right now and it is something really different from what I 
think I need atm.

What I need is to check for collisions between objects without runing 
the game engine.
I make a python script for detecting collisions between boxed-looking 
bounding boxes, but it work slow and only it is accurate only for simple 
Now I need is to make a check between really complex objects. I did 
tried it to detect it in the game engine and it works really great, it's 
fast and accurate. But I need to start the game engine, which is not needed.

I would like to have a possibility to edit the binarier somehow, so I 
can do collisions detection without starting the game engine. I though 
it will be easy, just take few lines from the game engine and put them 
somewhere else. But I'm looking at the files for more then two weeks now 
and I can't find anythnig useful. I'm really new into C/C++ it may be my 

Have a nice day,

Dne 18.4.2012 17:54, Sergej Reich napsal(a):
> There is pretty much no API for collision detection in the BulletDev
> branch.
> The only thing you can do is setting up rigid body simulations.
> Adding it would be possible of course, but I don't think it would be
> useful right now except for a couple of fringe cases.
> If it's needed for the diploma we could add some collision detection
> functionality in a separate branch.
> It won't be completely straightforward though and would probably require
> a couple of hacks to work.
> I could look into it over the weekend when I get some free time if you
> want.
> Keep also in mind that the game engine and the rigid body simulation in
> the BulletDev branch are two completely separate systems, so reusing
> each others data won't be easy.
> Regards, Sergej.
> Am Mittwoch, den 18.04.2012, 13:09 +0200 schrieb Lukas Tönne:
>> Hi,
>> You might be interested in the Bullet Integration branch by Joshua
>> Leung (aligorith) [1]
>> This implements Bullet physics, including all common collision shapes,
>> in the main Blender scene, without the need to use the game engine. I
>> don't know how complete the python API is though, better ask Joshua
>> himself about this.
>> Cheers
>> Lukas
>> [1]
>> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:59 AM, P2sta<>  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm working on my diploma work and I'm in need of detecting collision in
>>> blender without starting the game engine.
>>>   I set a game logic to check for collisions, but I need to start the
>>> game engine to make the actual detection, which is unneeded.
>>>   My teacher said to me I can edit the source code to make acces to the
>>> bullet physics directly without the game engine (I need just the
>>> collosions) so
>>>   I get the binaries, but I'm pretty lost in where to start and what do
>>> I need to edit. I did searched through most of the bullet physics files,
>>> but didin't find anything yet. I'm new to c/c++ but I can learn fast.
>>> I would like to keep it the way that I set the game logic and just call
>>> lets say bpy.ops.scene.detect_collisions() and I will get a list of
>>> colliding objects, if that's even possible.
>>> So, I would like to ask if you have some ideas that could help me.
>>>   Thank you in advance for any help!
>>>   Zbynek Hlava
>>> P.S. sorry for any grammer mistakes, English is not my nativ language
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