
I gotta say that I kinda agree with the whole size thing being minor
these days. Besides, the most likely internet access that would have
low caps would be stuff like 3G or similar, but how many people are
going to be downloading blender releases on their cell phones and

I think it really depends on if the size increase is justified. If
adding 3MB to the size of the download will allow plugin authors to
add new functionality they couldn't easily do otherwise, or to save a
portion of that through eliminating common repeated code across
multiple addons, then why not?

Not that I am saying size shouldn't be considered in the long run, but
there are plenty of ways to deal with size bloat, including things
like binary diffs or just using existing incremental update systems
like svn. Worst case, just offer diffs between releases for the more
advanced users or something perhaps.

Anyways, my $0.02 :) o/

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 1:53 PM, Knapp <magick.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Given today's 3tb hard drives why are we worried about 10 or less MBs?
> The only problem I could see are people with expensive download rates
> (and I am not sure if they exist any more) or really slow connections.
> I know that bloat is seen as a bad thing at 3 MB but is it really all
> that much bloat given today's computers?
> --
> Douglas E Knapp
> Creative Commons Film Group, Helping people make open source movies
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