Hi Jorge,

Am 24.04.2012 06:17, schrieb Jorge Rodriguez:
> Thanks for accepting me into GSoC! I'm so excited!
Congratulations, I am looking forward to your work and being your mentor! :)
> My email from Google says,
> Now that you've been accepted, please take the opportunity to speak with
> your mentors about plans for the Community Bonding Period: what
> documentation should you be reading, what version control system will you
> need to set up, etc., before start of coding begins on May 21st.
> In the interest of avoiding mentors repeating themselves for every student
> I thought I would create this thread so that the GSoC people can all be
> oriented at once.
> I plan to copy my proposal to the Blender wiki and use it to keep track of
> my progress. I'm also thinking about using the Git mirror of Blender on
> Gitorious to do my work: https://gitorious.org/blenderprojects/blender Is
> that a good idea? I think a number of Blender devs do this already?
Copying your proposal to the wiki is a good idea, best to make a site on 
your userpage.

For your work, we prefer that you use our own SVN system. If you will 
get your own branch or share a branch with another student is still unknown.
We need to discuss that first.
> One last thing: May 21st is in the middle of exams. How flexible are you
> guys on that?
If you have exams there, it's best to have a good and solid plan before 
this date, and you already should be familiar with Blenders code basics 
(compiling, debugging etc.)
On which date are you finished with your exams and when can you start 
It's okay if you can only start a few days after May 21st.

Best regards,
> Looking forward to GSoC!

Thomas Dinges
Blender Developer, Artist and Musician


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