On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 5:16 PM, Eugenio Pignataro <i...@oscurart.com.ar> wrote:
> I have my python 3.2.3  compiled from source in Ubuntu 12.04.
> Cmake can't find numpy.
> My folder : /usr/local/lib/python3.2/site-packages is empty.
> What I need?
> Thanks!
> Eugenio Pignataro
> Drawing & Digital Art.
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> On 04/30/2012 06:45 AM, Campbell Barton wrote:
>> Heres my docs for getting numpy into blender
>> http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:2.5/Source/Python/API/Numpy_Bundle#Steps_to_Include_Numpy_in_Releases
>> CMake/Unix now has option to copy over numpy when installing python -
>> For other OS's we need them to be packaged, it might be easiest if we
>> include numpy in the python32.zip / tar
>> On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Toni Alatalo<ant...@kyperjokki.fi>  wrote:
>>> On Apr 24, 2012, at 1:52 AM, Alex Fraser wrote:
>>>> I'm mostly interested in it as a way to speed up access to pixel data. To 
>>>> get that, wouldn't we need to have a stronger dependency on it, so that 
>>>> Image.pixels can return a numpy array?
>>> So as Campbell said it does not need changing datatypes in Blender core, 
>>> when accessors can be written in bpy api code.
>>> It has been done, for example Theo de Ridder demonstrated it with swarms of 
>>> fishes in BConf07:
>>> http://www.blender.org/community/blender-conference/blender-conference-2007/conference-proceedings/theo-de-ridder/
>>> NumPy introduction / Enabling interactive animations of swarms Interactive 
>>> visualisation of ambient sensor networks with Blender.
>>> """
>>> As a simple experiment to validate the relevance of numpy the interface of 
>>> Key.KeyBlock was extended with getBuffer() returning a r/w Python buffer 
>>> without copying the underlying keyverts in C. In numpy the different 
>>> aspects like positions, rotations, and scales of all subjects were 
>>> represented as single multi-dimensional matrices resulting in Python code 
>>> without any loop!
>>> """
>>> He had the fishes in a duplivert setup where was using array access to push 
>>> new positions&  orientations for the fishes to the shape key buffer. To run 
>>> a lot of fishes efficiently for a realtime simulation, but not in the GE 
>>> but in the 3d view instead. Bottleneck was the drawing code, but for the 
>>> logic and fast blender data use demonstrated numpy beautifully. Wasn't many 
>>> lines of C to put the accessors.
>>> I was curious about 2d compositing nodes then, have sometimes done similar 
>>> things with numpy in realtime with pygame. With Blender have been wondering 
>>> about mesh things, perhaps a simple water surface etc., perhaps modifiers. 
>>> But haven't been making noise about as haven't still gotten to test it with 
>>> Blender / in movie related use myself yet (work with games usually).
>>> Found an old post on this topic when was wondering about this :) 
>>> http://lists.blender.org/pipermail/bf-committers/2008-December/022275.html 
>>> .. Campbell figuring in early stages of the 2.5 py api, next to "Leave open 
>>> the option to use python 3.0" and "No languages other then python" there's 
>>> also, to reply my pondering then, "No support for faster/direct access 
>>> (numpy)". Things have developed since then, perhaps makes sense now, 
>>> interesting times :)
>>>> Also, given my interest in speed, I'd like to keep the option to move to 
>>>> pypy open. Perhaps that conflicts with my first point ;)
>>> Is sure interesting to see how the pypy effort goes, fun that it's already 
>>> attractive as a perf improvement for pure py things. There of course seems 
>>> to effort for numpy compatibility as well, 
>>> http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2011/10/numpy-funding-and-status-update.html 
>>> -- don't know anything about that. Anyhow it doesn't work for Blender yet 
>>> anyway, given what Campbell said (no c api).
>>>> Alex
>>> ~Toni

I wondered if these problems are coming from a 2 vs 3 version of
python and, or numpy.

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