I filed 2 bug reports related to python path  (#31506
up_id=9&atid=498> , #31507
up_id=9&atid=498> ). The first bug seems to be Win32 specific, the
second is for all platforms.
In short, PYTHONPATH is ignored when using the bundled python and site
is not automatically imported when using system python. 
This creates a problem when working with the hive system (my GSoC
project this year), which currently installs itself as a site package of
a registered python installation. Since Blender does not register its
bundled python to the system, the hive installer does not find it and
the only way is to install an external python 3.2 first, but then the
above bugs prevent to use it in Blender without some tricks in the
Besides the bug reports, I'm raising the question: shouldn't Blender
register its bundled python to the system? After all, it is a full blown
Python 3.2 installation and it would give a chance to external
installers to use it.
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