Do you have a diff against trunk available? I'd be interested to see
how big of a changeset this merge would be.


On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Tamito KAJIYAMA
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The scope of this message is to report the up-to-date status of the Freestyle 
> branch and
> discuss the possibility of the merge into the trunk.
> Since the January 2011 status report [1], the Freestyle development has 
> focused on
> stability improvements and the completion of selected unfinished components
> including an artist-friendly GUI for interactive manipulation of Freestyle 
> parameters.
> The stability of the Freestyle renderer is the highest priority of the 
> project.  Thanks to
> intensive testing by branch users, many instability issues were sorted out 
> and important
> bug fixes were made, such as a fix for occasional straight lines [2], 
> improved handling
> of face smoothness in view map construction [3], and a fix for degenerate 
> triangles in
> imported mesh data [4].  It should also be highlighted that substantial 
> performance
> enhancement of view map construction was contributed by Alexander Beels [5].
> The new Freestyle GUI has been improved in many aspects, including the 
> addition of
> new stroke geometry modifiers (e.g., [4, 6, 7]), and easy duplication of line 
> sets and line
> styles [7].  Moreover, new edge and face attributes (Freestyle edge/face 
> marks) were
> introduced for fine-control of feature edge selection [3].
> As mentioned in the January 2011 report, the Freestyle integration project 
> listed three
> unfinished components that were planned to be done before the merge into the 
> trunk
> is asked:
> 1. The aforementioned artist-friendly GUI for Freestyle parameters (90%)
> 2. Freestyle Python API Improvements (80%)
> 3. Feature edge detection at face intersection (0%)
> Percent values in the parentheses are subjective achievement rates as of this 
> writing.
> In the meantime, I have been receiving an increasing number of positive 
> opinions from
> branch users about the merge.  In fact, the time when the merge will happen 
> is the most
> FAQ of the branch these days.  Aware of the documented incompleteness of the 
> branch,
> however, I personally have a mixed feeling.  Here are some of pros and cons.
> Downsides of the merge:
> - The feature edge detection at face intersection is a must but not 
> implemented yet.
> - Documentation is not ready.
> Upsides of the merge:
> - More testers of the Freestyle renderer are expected, which will accelerate 
> stabilization
> and improvements of the renderer.
> - Branch users no longer have to rely on multiple versions of Blender, which 
> makes their
> workflow simpler.
> - More development force can be addressed to the unfinished and other 
> Freestyle
> components.  So far a significant amount of time has been regularly spent for 
> merging
> changes of the trunk into the Freestyle branch, which is not so productive.
> In conclusion, I tend to think that the merge is a good idea even at this 
> stage of
> development.  The Freestyle branch is fairly stable and useful.  It has been 
> kept well
> synchronized with the trunk.  For these reasons, the merge can be made at any 
> time.
> I am open to discussions about whether or not the merge should take place 
> right now.
> Any feedback on this matter would be much appreciated.
> With best regards,
> --
> KAJIYAMA, Tamito <>
> [1] 
> [2] 
> [3] 
> [4] 
> [5] 
> [6] 
> [7] 
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