
Nobody to help me resolving my problem ?
Will take my chance on IRC if not ;-)


On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 10:07 AM, Julien Duroure

> Hi all,
> I am currently trying to add a new dropbox for drag&drop action.
> I have define a new python operator, but at blender launching, executing
> WM_dropbox_add, I have the following error :
> search for unknown operator 'VIEW3D_OT_add_image_texture_brush',
>> 'view3d.add_image_texture_brush'
>> Error: dropbox with unknown operator: view3d.add_image_texture_brush
> It seems that python operators are not yet registered when executing
> dropboxes initializations.
> After that, using Python Console autocompletion, my operator is found, are
> correctly executed, so I know that there is no syntax error on my operator.
> All examples, I found in source code, are using C operator. I tried to
> create a dummy C operator, and all works fine in this case.
> Is there a way to resolve my problem, or is it not possible to execute
> python operator when drag&drop ?
> Thanks,
> Julien
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