
When I was byte-compiling release/scripts/addons/ (r3577), I got a
syntax error in io_scene_3ds/export_3ds.py as follows:

  File "/usr/share/blender/2.63/scripts/addons/io_scene_3ds/export_3ds.py", 
line 227
class _3ds_point_4d(object):
    """Class representing a four-dimensional point for a 3ds file, for instance 
a quaternion."""
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The triple-quotes """...""" are enclosed by the same style of

class _3ds_point_4d(object):
    """Class representing a four-dimensional point for a 3ds file, for instance 
a quaternion."""
    __slots__ = ...


so the inside of the inner ones is not a string literal.
Please use the different style of triple-quotes like below:

class _3ds_point_4d(object):
    """Class representing a four-dimensional point for a 3ds file, for instance 
a quaternion."""
    __slots__ = ...


Anyway, I think triple-quotes shouldn't be used to comment out
multiple lines.

IRIE Shinsuke
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