Hi blender developers

My name is Paal and I am currently looking for a bachelor-thesis for my
Computer Engineering degree. I thought I could use this opportunity to use
my thesis to contribute to the blender development community.    But this
is my first time with open source development and I do not know how I can
contribute to this community. I have about 300 work hours to contribute to
the project and I would very like to receive any suggestions on which field
I can contribute into:

Languages I have worked with :
 Visual Basic .NET, C++, C#, Java, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML,HLSL, GLSL,
Oracle SQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Windows Batch, PHP, Objective-C

Frameworks, SDKs and etc.: .
NET, .NET Compact, XNA, Android SDK, OpenGL, ASP.NET, WiX, Jquery, Windows
Mobile SDK, Google Web Toolkit, Java RMI, .NETInstaller, 3DS Max, Java
Server Pages, Razor,DirectX, Smarty, Ajax, Linux Shell (Bash), Windows
Batch, Windows OS, Linux Ubuntu OS, XCode, Git,SVN

Looking forward for your replies.

Regards Paal
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