I agree completely. I think the default of 2 might have been set by someone
didn't take mip levels into account. To be honest I generally use 32 or 64
as margin
depending on texture size (larger texture means more mips).

But I suppose 16 as default which I think is also what it is in xNormal
seems reasonable.

At the very least I'll echo that 2 is no good :) The background color will
bleed into the subsequent mip levels
too quickly.



On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 9:18 PM, metalliandy

> Hey everyone,
> I want to propose a change the default margin value that is currently
> used when baking textures.
> The current margin of 2px is no where near enough and really doesn't
> help anyone due to the fact that it only is enough for the initial baked
> texture and not for any further mip levels that may be needed. As I'm
> sure some of you may be aware, you need at least 1px of margin per UV
> island to be correct for each mip map level as the texture is resized
> down, in order to stop the background colour from bleeding into the UV
> islands.
> I would recommend using a value of 16px as the new default as this would
> allow for 3 mip levels in addition to the initial bake, as long as the
> background colour is correct) which should be enough in most cases as
> the texture is resized down (16px>8px>4px>2px).
> Ideally of course we would set the margin so high that there is actually
> no background colour, but I don't think that many people would go for
> that as some feel that it makes the texture look messy, however
> irrelevant this may be, some people do care about how their textures
> look even if you will never see margin on the final mesh. ;)
> Please take a look at the link below for an example of what an incorrect
> margin value can look like when viewed on your mesh.
> http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?279870-seams-artifacts-with-tangent-normal-map-in-blender-and-unity
> For clarification, this is applicable to all baked textures, not just
> normal maps
> Cheers,
> -Andy
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