Proper formatting:

props = layout.operator(NodesLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, 
text="Replace Links")

props.prop1 = True
props.prop2 = True
props.prop3 = False

But please don't do this if the amount of props varies (prop1-propN)! 
Use a CollectionProperty instead. I think i did this in the Game 
Property Visulizer addon to replace the evil eval().

Am 25.03.2013 16:08, schrieb Bartek Skorupa (priv):
> Thank you for the explanation.
>> props = layout.operator(NodesLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, text="Replace 
>> Links").prop1 = True
>>      props.prop2 = True
>>      props.prop3 = False
> Oops… I didn't know you can do it :-) Really…
> Every day I learn something.
> I will change all those properties accordingly.
> Thank you once again
> Regards
> Bartek Skorupa
> On 25 mar 2013, at 16:02, Bastien Montagne <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 25/03/2013 15:51, Bartek Skorupa (priv) wrote:
>>> Thank you for this quick review.
>>> Yes you're right about my understanding of bl_label. I did mismatch this 
>>> and I can change it, np.
>>> About my 'option' properties:
>>> In many cases I can change it to enums, but sometimes StringProperty is 
>>> used because I need to pass more than one property in one go.
>>> Say I need to set 3 properties:
>>> prop1 = True
>>> prop2 = True
>>> prop3 = False
>>> I wrap it in one StringProperty that gets the value of 'True True False' 
>>> and then in execute I use string split( ), and eval to get 3 booleans.
>>> Please take a look at line 1325 for example:
>>> layout.operator(NodesLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, text="Replace 
>>> Links").option = 'True True False'
>>> option then is passed to execute of NodesLinkActiveToSelected and split.
>>> see lines: 795 to 798:
>>>          option_split = self.option.split( )
>>>          replace = eval(option_split[0])
>>>          use_node_name = eval(option_split[1])
>>>          use_outputs_names = eval(option_split[2])
>>> This way I get 3 variables out of one property 'option'
>>> Is there a better way of doing it?
>> Yes there is! :)
>> In such case, you should do that:
>>      props = layout.operator(NodesLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, 
>> text="Replace Links").prop1 = True
>>      props.prop2 = True
>>      props.prop3 = False
>>> Another question:
>>> Could you please explain me why using StringProperty instead of proper 
>>> EnumProperty is wrong?
>>> Is it a convention, speed issues or anything else?
>> First of all, it is a convention. True/false options should be booleans,
>> options with a well defined set of choices should be enums, etc.
>> This also helps on documentation level (as each enum items has its own
>> label/description, you do not need comments in code, and doc can be
>> retrieved easily by multiple ways).
>> And there is also an UI interest, as using enums you can get a nice
>> drop-down list as a control, or you can even auto-generate a menu where
>> each entry will execute the operator with one of the options of the enum, …
>> By the way, note that if you have a set of related booleans options that
>> are not mutually exclusive, you can use an enum with 'ENUM_FLAG' option
>> (in that case you are just limited to at most 32 different flags - the
>> length of a classical integer ;) ).
>> Kind regards,
>> Bastien
>>> Thank you in advance
>>> Regards
>>> Bartek Skorupa
>>> On 25 mar 2013, at 15:24, Bastien Montagne<>  wrote:
>>>> Hi Bartek,
>>>> Just did a (very quick) skim review of your addon, and I agree that
>>>> there are valuable features in it, worth moving it to trunk. However, I
>>>> noted at least two points that imho should be addressed before the move:
>>>> First, you seems to mismatch labels and tips of operators! E.g. instead
>>>> of this line:
>>>>      bl_label = "Copy Settings of Active Node to Selected Nodes"
>>>> I would rather see those:
>>>>      bl_label = "Copy Node Settings"
>>>>      bl_description = "Copy the settings of the active node to selected
>>>> ones"
>>>> The second point is, I think, more important. You should replace your
>>>> “multipurpose” "option" StringProperty by relevant properties. E.g.
>>>>      # option: 'from active', 'from node', 'from socket'
>>>>      option = StringProperty()
>>>> Should be replaced by:
>>>>      source = EnumProperty(name="Source", description="A relevant
>>>> description…", default='FROM_ACTIVE',
>>>>                            items=(('FROM_ACTIVE', "From Active", "A
>>>> relevant description…", 'ICON_NONE', 1),
>>>>                                   ('FROM_NODE', "From Node", "A relevant
>>>> description…", 'ICON_NONE', 2),
>>>>                                   ('FROM_SOCKET', "From Socket", "A
>>>> relevant description…", 'ICON_NONE', 3),
>>>>                                  )
>>>>                           )
>>>> (with relevant changes in other parts of the code).
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Bastien
>>>> On 25/03/2013 14:00, Bartek Skorupa (priv) wrote:
>>>>> Hey,
>>>>> After recent commits of I as an author call this 
>>>>> add-on ready.
>>>>> All of the features that I had in mind have been included, documented on 
>>>>> wiki and in video tutorial.
>>>>> Recent API changes have taken into account.
>>>>> It certainly will develop further, but at this stage it's IMHO ready to 
>>>>> go trunk.
>>>>> I'd like to ask for reviewing the code and hopefully permission to move 
>>>>> this add-on to trunk.
>>>>> Here's the wiki page:
>>>>> Tracker:
>>>>> Thread on blenderartists:
>>>>> Many users appreciate this add-on and wish to have it in official Blender 
>>>>> releases.
>>>>> I declare to maintain the code.
>>>>> Please let me know if you feel that it's worth including or not.
>>>>> With Respect,
>>>>> Bartek Skorupa
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