I like the overall idea of such a widget, but i find it rather confusing 
that it's a wheel you have to spin for different actions. It makes 
perfect sense for rotations, but for scew/scale/move? The arrow icons 
rotate with the wheel menu, making it really unpredictable...

Here's my own proposal:


I also like the Texture position widgets in Google Sketchup, they are 
easy to use and support snapping.

Am 01.04.2013 01:57, schrieb Antony Riakiotakis:
> Hi, I've been trying to work around some nice way to control the stencil
> mapping of brushes. My first approach was to find a shortcut, and after
> some thinking about what would be lenient, intuitive and hardest of all,
> available to all paint modes I settled on Right-Click.
> Now the issues begin: I thought that I would use a similar scheme to our
> brush radial control, namely ctrl-F, F, Shift-F. And I did code a light
> version of that. However, clever coder kgeogeo came up with a nice
> solution, see
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kAOoCZfZS9o
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WaRvMCHgeg
> This is very nice IMO. It has a play factor, it allows to select many
> properties and tweak any of them. So my question is: Would such a design
> conflict with the upcoming pie menus? I think they are slightly different
> in that pie menus don't allow tweaking of properties. I would like to tweak
> the existing radial control to allow for such a UI (or write a new one? Not
> 100% certain it could accomodate it without drastical changes).
> Thoughts?
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