Hi Jürgen,
first of all thanks for your work and the offer.

I doubt that we can change to vc2010 so easily. If we would switch, we 
would need a couple of MSVC professional licences for the release 
builders, the build bot and core devs.
Also, I rather not have "yet another" build system to support inside our 
cmake and scons files. We already have VC 2008 and MinGW.
And I don't think 2010 gives us a lot (if any?) benefits over 2008 as well.

And last but not least, if we do a migration, than I rather move to the 
latest one, rather than to 2010.

Best regards,

Am 15.04.2013 14:38, schrieb Jürgen Herrmann:
> Hi there,
> after trying to build Blender on VC 2012 in the last weeks I came to the 
> conclusion that with the current state of the Microsoft VC 2012 compiler it 
> is merely impossible for me to provide a working build. Even if I get blender 
> to compile without errors, blender crashes on startup.
> I am recently trying recompile the libs for VS 2010 x64 (x86 follows later).
> While doing this I'll replace outdated versions of the libs with newer ones.
> If all goes well I'll be done with the x64 libs by the end if this week and 
> could provide a decent test build of Blender trunk using these libs.
> For compilation with this new build environment I'll have to change things in 
> the CMakeLists.txt.
> If you like I could provide the libs and CMake adaptions to you for inclusion 
> in SVN.
> Kind regards
> Jürgen Herrmann
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Thomas Dinges
Blender Developer, Artist and Musician


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