On Fri, April 26, 2013 9:22 am, Brecht Van Lommel wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 11:38 PM, Moisés Bonilla <neodiv...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> First of all, thanks for the quick response.
>> Ton Roosendaal: That idea about the "normalized" file IO sounds good. Do
>> you think that maybe I could start thinking about the case when two
>> people
>> starts with a empty scene and each one sends to the other simple
>> commands
>> (Create cube at ..., Rotate object ..., etc)?
> I think Ton misunderstood what you were proposing? Handling network
> paths is quite different from realtime sharing.
>> And no, although summer of code sounds interesting, I would prefer to
>> "take
>> it easy" for now :). Anyway, I should start by proposing the project in
>> the
>> wiki, isn't it?
> Yes, you can add make a wiki page about the project.
> But note that there's a reason Verse was never finished and
> integrated. If it's a research project where you create a proof of
> concept then it can work, but to make this ready for production use is
> problematic. That's because there are many different data structures
> and editing operations in Blender, and they weren't designed with this
> kind of thing in mind. It's quite possible to make it work for a small
> subset of those, but supporting this across Blender in a way that's
> reliable and maintainable probably requires a major redesign of
> Blender internals.

In the case of sharing a project or internal blender data over a network,
if there was a server/client API (jack-3d) the client could be notified as
updates to a working project are made from other clients and apply them
when the user is ready. It would require merging the data sets but that
could be handled outside of the Blender UI. Jack already has a basic
session API and network functionality.

Maybe I am missing something obvious though, in regards to Blender data.

My main focus is towards integrating blender with external 3d engines like
cube2, source, etc...

I think the Valve team and Intel devs would be interested in contributing
too if there was a serious interest from the wider Open Source multimedia
community. FYI, The MH devs have expressed interest in a plugin for
sharing data and controlling external apps/engines.

IMO leveraging the existing JACK API provides a serious headstart compared
to other methods. Perhaps the work done on Verse can also be merged to
help move things along even faster?

Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd
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