
I'm new to this mailing list and moreover I'm french, so sorry in advance
for every mistake.

I was following a recent tutorial about texturing masks using stencils and
tought: images everywhere in Blender would be so much easier to manipulate
with classic handles, like we have in every image software.

Of course we would keep the current shortcut way that is so convenient for
repetitive tasks. But let's face the truth: newbies are completly lost when
they are in front of these images without handles. Moreover, most of us
prefer the mouse manipulation as it's more natural to drag the picture and
resize or rotate it.

Well, I hope you could understand me. And maybe one day I will have the
excellent surprise to see wish become reality. My wife gently smiled when I
told I wrote the Blender coders to ask for a modification of Blender. I let
you guess how proud I would be to show her that you did it ;-)

Best wishes and thank you all for the tremendous work.

Blender Attitude french magazine
Bf-committers mailing list

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