Hi all,

Here are the notes for the weekly developer meeting in irc.freenode.net 

1) Blender 2.67a review

- Right after the 2.67a a couple of bugs were reported and fixed... especially 
features that worked in 2.66 before should be in a release.
Proposal is to ask the release team to make a new build this week.

- Campbell Barton made an initial list of fixes of he likes to see included in 
an update:

- We'll review the list in irc and on this list. These will go in the svn 
release branch, so we can update a bugfix-2.67 simply.

- Tuesday an ahoy is expected for it.

- Meeting spent some time on a review why this happened, it's mix of bad luck, 
and too much maintenance work in BCon3/4 periods. In general, keeping a 
'stable' branch around and update as frequently as possible is never bad.

2) 2.68 targets

- Dalai Felinto makes great progress on stereoscopic rendering/compositing and 
viewing. https://github.com/dfelinto/blender/tree/multiview
It's unsure still if this will be ready for 2.68. Code review will start 

- Bastien Montagne is almost done with Linux OpenEXR 2.0 install-deps script.

- Release target list has been updated, We now move to "BCon2":

3) Other projects

- Campbell and Sergey Sharybin (and others) are testing converting svn history 
to git. There's also tests going on with Phabricator.

A more formal proposal for git migration is coming, a feasible target for 
migration is October this year.

- Sergey: The Tomato branch has a WIP feature, mask tracking!
This is not a release target yet, get the tomato branch for testing.

- Leap Motion device seed has started, we wait a bit for it to arrive 
everywhere. There's a developer from Leap who already added support for the 
BGE, he will be connecting with us soonish.

4) Google Summer of Code

- Tomorrow 19 UTC Google will announce the official results. Shortly after the 
http://code.blender.org blog will introduce the students and their projects.


Ton Roosendaal  -  t...@blender.org   -   www.blender.org
Chairman Blender Foundation - Producer Blender Institute
Entrepotdok 57A  -  1018AD Amsterdam  -  The Netherlands

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