On 26/06/2013, at 3:07 PM, David Jeske wrote:

> ...though now we have to define "integral". I would like to see more
> blender UI and experimental features built in a static-typed extension
> language like C#/Mono or TypeScript.

I gotta say I neither want, agree, nor think this will ever happen. I say this 
as someone that is actually disappointed Python was chosen over another 
language for Blender's scripting language of choice.

I'm not trying to trash your ideas, because I understand somewhat where you're 
coming from in regards to wanting to improve Blender stability, but it does 
need to be tempered with a some facts.

Let's start with the runtime size. Everything you need ti run Blender comes 
packaged in the download. For the latest Mac OSX version (i.e. the one I'd be 
running if I wasn't building it myself) - that's 87MB. The latest stable Mono 
runtime is a 103MB download - all by itself and without any of Blender packaged 
into it.

Secondly, and perhaps Campbell can speak to this, but I don't think type safety 
is the largest source of bugs in Blender. At the level of code I've played in, 
the types of variables are clear and not violated through casting back & forth 
through void pointers (or similar nonsense). Sure, there'll be code in the 
application that does that kind of thing but, from what patches/bug-fixes I've 
looked at the solutions of, those practices are not the source. Again, I think 
Campbell could speak to this with far more authority (perhaps even pointing out 
I'm wrong), but that's the situation as I see it.

Thirdly, type-safety in languages like C# & TypeScript comes with a performance 
cost. There is a reason that most the third-party libraries used are written in 
C/C++ and it's not just because it's the de facto coding language of the OSS 
world. C/C++ is almost about one step up from the metal (when used the way most 
engineers write code). Type-safe languages, such as those you suggest, need to 
inject a runtime platform between the metal and the coded application - that 
middle layer provides your safety... using more CPU & memory than would be 
needed for the C/C++ equivalent. It's a trade-off and, frankly, Blender needs 
all the speed and memory it can get a hold of ;) 

I could go on & on about this. I've had to make this decision (safer language 
or faster code) many times. You can get fast & bug-free code in C/C++. I'll 
concede you might get the bug-free code in C# (or similar) quicker... but the 
resulting executable will be larger, take more memory, and run slower. 

With all that in mind, it took me less than a hour to setup my build 
environment both on Windows & on OSX (I already had the developer tools 
installed). If you want to do it, it's not that hard. If you don't want to do 
it, the ability to code in an alternate language isn't going to change that 
much. A C#/Mono implementation is going to need a development environment setup 
just like the current C/C++/Python setup does.

Benjamin Tolputt
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