No idea what exactly "only renders with the values assigned" means.
Renderers (at least current ones) indeed works with RGB colors with
premultiplied alpha (and premultiplied is the term we stick here to).

Render engine should be a black box for the pipeline actually, it could use
any color space, any alpha mode it wants to. But when result goes out from
the engine to the pipeline it shall stick to current color management.
Which means if Scene Linear is set to ACES, render result need to be
converted to ACES space before it's used in compositor or getting saved to
the file.

Color picker is also kind of an issue, but it's not as much biggie.
Currently it's just using some kind of approximation of ColorPicker space
by assuming default View of display transform is always invertible and uses
it for picking the color. Works reasonably fine, and does not bother normal
artists being with extra options which are just confusing for 95% of
blender artists.

Agree those are indeed bigger tasks (comparing with just adding color space
conversion on file save), but we don't choose easy way, we d choose the
right way. And this issues are not so much high priority for general
blender development, but if someone volunteers to solve them (and solve in
a proper way, not hackish one) he'll be for sore welcome.

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:10 AM, Troy Sobotka <>wrote:

> On Jul 9, 2013 1:15 PM, "Sergey Sharybin" <> wrote:
> >The root of the issue goes to the fact, that renderer always
> > outputs stuff in rec709 space (or in your language it'll be linear space
> > with rec709 primaries).
> ?
> The renderer only renders with the values assigned, no?
> Given that out color picker has yet to get proper management, this still
> seems like a curious statement given that we can color light to any value
> under assumed primaries?
> With respect,
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With best regards, Sergey Sharybin
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