
1.) Right now our preset labels are more or less limitted by what is 
allowed to use in the file system (for the preset name). BTW i tried to 
change a presetfilename so that the preset menu contains something like: 
"SL/OpenSim rigged" or "SL&OpenSim static", but all of that was 
impossible, so i ended up with "SL+OpenSim rigged" as a compromise.

2.) The Tooltip for a preset entry just doesn't tell anything but the 
obvious, namely: "Execute a Preset" This could be either removed 
completely or replaced by something more useful :)

So what about adding 2 variables into the presetfile for "text" and 
"description" which would correspond to the Preset label and its tooltip ?
And maybe blender can read the presetfiles once on startup (or when 
needed the first time), and remember text and description in a map. and 
when a preset changes the map gets updated ... something like this 
should be doable, no ?

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