On Tue, October 8, 2013 10:16 pm, Crs Mrn wrote:
> So...firstly Blender low poly 3D modeller, an organic modeller, a game
> engine and a movie editor. I've got a cool concept of something to add:
> Sound editor. As an indie game developprr, you often use the same
> instances
> of sounds than hundreds or thousands used before, with no editing.
> Secondly, if in a game there are more sound sources that emmit the same
> sound, let's say the fountains in Oblivion, an unpleasant effect of
> filtering appears. So you need more instances of the same sound. So, for
> indies, a sound creation/facility would be useful. Are there free
> resources
> for the effects or generators? Yes...there are thousands of free VST
> plugins ready for use in any situation . Here is the interface I've tought
> of:
> There are two windows, one above the other. The lower one, smaller, is the
> mixer. It contains channels. Above each channel, there is a jack.
> The Upper window, bigger, is the canvas. Here each effect or generator is
> displayed as a loose box that shows an icon with that vst interface in
> case
> of effect vst, or a preview of notes, in the case of a generator vst.
> Clicking a box brings up the full vst interface. Clicking the notes button
> on the generator plugin box brings up the midi notes editor(if you simply
> click on box, the generator interface, let's say Kontakt 5, is
> displayed.).    As I mentioned, each box can be moved around on the
> canvas.
> Each box has an output, respectively an imput for effects plugin. Each box
> can be connected with the other, as in the case of Blender Shaders. The
> final connection is from the last effect to one of the jacks on the
> mixer.     So...here are the steps .
> 1. File >import> generator vst.
> A box appears with that vst interface.
> 2. Click the notes button on the box
> A midi table appears, allowing me to edit notes.
> 3. Close the notes window and click on the middle of the box, now with
> notes preview on it
>    The Kontakt interface appears, allowing me to select instrument.
> 4. File-import-effect vst
> Another box appears.
> 3. Connect generator output to effect imput.
> 4. Connect effect output to one of the coresponding mixer channel jack and
> you're done.
>    What do you think?

Do you know about JACK support in Blender? It will let you use any
software that supports JACK.

JACK runs on linux/osx/win.

JACK is an open source audio routing system for professional audio.


Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd
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