Hmmm… I think "UVTexture" is a given image that is attached to a given 
face for a given UVMap, in Blender (the one you see in Texture view, the 
one you also have below your map in the UV/Image Editor, etc.). It is 
not related to material.

Code-wise, you have two CD layers, CD_MLOOPUV which represent an UVMap 
(i.e. 2D coordinates per vertex per face), and CD_MTEXPOLY, which links 
each polygon to a given image. Blender will use images from an MTEXPOLY 
of a given name together with coordinates from an MLOOPUV of the same 
name, which forms an UVTexture.

At least, that’s how I see things… ;)

On 15/12/2013 13:52, Gaia wrote:
> Hi;
> I am trying to rework the documentation for UV Maps in the blender wiki.
> I found a lot of references to the term "UV Texture" but i could not find
> any definition what a "UV Texture" is.
>   From the context i guess this is true:
> /A "UV Texture" is a (image- or procedural-) texture that is mapped //
> //to the surface of a 3D object by use of a "UV Map"/
> Can someone please approve/improve/correct this definition ?
> Or ... maybe the term "UV Texture" is just a relict from the ancients
> and should be avoided nowadays ?
> Thanks,
> Gaia
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