
i would like to propose some small improvements
for the Cloud Pages which imho make things
much more clear to first time visitors:

1.) When you are not registered/logged in to the Cloud:

You see a small "Login" link at the top right corner
of the Cloud homepage. For new users it is not
obvious how to register.

Possible improvement:

Either add a register link, or rename that to "Login/Register"


Add a big very visible "Register button" below the statistic widget
on the right sidebar of the Cloud homepage. Also add a text there:

    /Howto subscribe:/

    /- Register to he Cloud/
    /- Login and open settings/
    /- Proceed to the Subscribe section/

    /Once you are subscribed, you get full access to the Cloud./

2.) When you are logged in to the Cloud, but have not subscribed:

You see your email address at the top right corner
of the Cloud Homepage. there is no indication what
to do next

Possible improvement:

Add a text into the Top Menu bar:

"You have to subscribe before you can see the Cloud content"


Add a big very visible "Subscribe button" below the statistic widget
on the right sidebar of the Cloud homepage. Also add a text there:

    /Howto subscribe:/

    /- Open your settings/
    /- Proceed to the Subscribe section/

    /Once you are subscribed, you get full access to the Cloud./

3.) When you have Subscribed and are logged in:

Now navigate to a DVD or Movie. Then you see 2 menu bars both
showing the same menu entries and both menus with different style.
As soon as you click on one of the menu entries then one of the
menu bars disappears.

Possible Improvement:
Remove the lower (black) menu bar also from the Overview page.

4.) Currently the Videos are all only available online.

There is no Download option set. But you advertise the download:

Citation from the Cloud Homepage:

    /Access and download all video trainings made by the
    Blender Foundation./

Possible Improvement:

Add a (download not yet available) in the Advertisement section
on the Homepage:

    /Access online all video trainings made by the
    Blender Foundation (Download option in preparation)


On each Video's Top menu bar add a "Download" Option and
gray it out. When a user clicks on that option, then
display a popup box with:

    /Download is in preparation and will be available soon/

Thanks for reading
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