Hi Vicente,

Replies inline.

On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 7:00 AM, Vicente <vicenteca...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, I can browse in git.blender.org without problems, I can see the
> commits and even the diffs.

Well that is good in that it shows you can make the actual connection to
the server via TCP, and aren't being firewalled (at least not initially). I
did see your requests in the logs for your browser. It doesn't sound like a
problem with firewall as you wouldn't be able to do anything with git (http
or otherwise), or ping the machine if it blocked you. A good test would be
to try ping or visit the git repo in a web browser immediately after you
try a git pull.

> But happens that sometimes I get an error loading blender.org, like if
> the timeout were too low. So if it didn’t respond in 5 secs, then I get
> an error page. I don't know but maybe is related.

The blender.org server is a different machine and occasionally goes down.
This last week it was down for a bit due to an unplanned upgrade (a lib got
upgraded separately from the web server and broke its restart). It also
would have been restarted a bunch of times (quick second/sub-second
restarts to reload the fast cgi process) for Francesco's work on an
upcoming blender web service, but otherwise should be up.

> Oh and my connection is 100/100 optic fiber, so speed should not be the
> problem. But I'm in Iceland and sometimes the ping can be high (right
> now the ping to git.blender is 50ms, nothing special).

That is actually a great ping (better than I get from Canada). I wonder if
the speed and latency of your connection is just hitting the services too
fast for the firewalls taste. Many of the rules are relics from some of the
initial installs for blender.org servers and could probably stand to have
some of their limits raised a bit. It is a little tricky though without
monitoring everything at a forensic level so they we can numerically define
the difference between normal and abuse, with regards to TCP connections.

> And here my config.
> $ cat .git/config
> [core]
>      repositoryformatversion = 0
>      filemode = true
>      bare = false
>      logallrefupdates = true
> [remote "origin"]
>      url = http://git.blender.org/blender.git
>      fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
> [branch "master"]
>      remote = origin
>      merge = refs/heads/master
> [submodule "release/datafiles/locale"]
>      url = http://git.blender.org/blender-translations.git
> [submodule "release/scripts/addons"]
>      url = http://git.blender.org/blender-addons.git
> [submodule "release/scripts/addons_contrib"]
>      url = http://git.blender.org/blender-addons-contrib.git
> [submodule "scons"]
>      url = http://git.blender.org/scons.git
> But yesterday before sending the email report  I changed all the "git"
> protocols by  "http", just to try. But the error is the same.
> I have to add that sometimes other parts of the repository are
> unresponsive but if I retry a few times they work, except addons_contrib.

Strange indeed. Having your neighbours have problems doesn't sound right.
There isn't anything I can think of at the IP level that would affect only
addons-contrib.git though; you would either be able to connect to the
server, or you wouldn't be. As mentioned above though, if you were making
new TCP connections too quickly, the server might have blocked you for a
period of time. Perhaps this is what is happening. At worst, if you could
pop on irc for something more realtime, I can probably track the state of
your IP better while getting you to run some test connections.

> I send you my IP in a private message.

Thanks. Unfortunately I couldn't see anything that would answer this
problem on that IP. I made a few tweaks to the firewall to ease things for
git. I guess give it another shot and see if that helps. Please let me know
if there is still a problem.

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