Here's a bit of preliminary code for implementing "control handles" (more
idiomatic naming welcome):

It only shows a handle for the Sun Beams node so far, but can of course be
implemented for any node. Only selection works so far, there is no
transform operator implementation yet, which is of course the interesting
part ...

The most difficult question we have to answer is how to handle relative
resolutions and unknown resolution/aspect ratios inside node groups.

On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 7:12 PM, Sam Vila <> wrote:

> Hi,
> After seeing the new sunbeams node I just notice that it would be VERY
> handy to have a node in the compositor to display a handler that you can
> move around the screen and provide coordinates to be plugged into other
> nodes. Right now the only alternative is click on the values and drag, drag
> and drag until you reach the right values, as far as I know Blender is the
> only compositor tool that doesn't have direct feedback on the effects by
> not having handlers.
> By having a handler node that you can plug with other nodes you could speed
> up a lot the process of setting up other nodes, here's a list of nodes that
> could benefit from this:
> - Sunbeam
> - Scale
> - Translate
> - Rotate
> - Crop
> - Displace
> - Transform
> - Corner Pin
> - Box Mask
> - Ellipse Mask
> - Directional Blur
> As you can see there's several nodes that could benefit of having this new
> node, the usability of all these nodes and futures ones would be increased
> very much.
> Another inconsistency I notice is the fact that after you enter in the
> compositor editor you need to click on the checkbox: Use nodes to start
> using the nodes, this is very silly design cause if you don't click that
> option you cannot use any meny in that editor or do anything so basically
> you're FORCED to check that box to start using the tool, it might be
> something trivial but it doesn't have any sense to have that option and
> click on it, it's 100% redundant and things like this makes more difficult
> for new users to adapt into blender.
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