Here is a link which lists some reasons why the tool has been removed:

You still can find the "original" tool here:

And here is an alternative development:

I am not sure if the alternative works better or not.
Both scripts seem to work on current Blender versions
with the known limitations. But i can neither tell if it is
a good idea to use them or not, nor did i do any in depth


On 31.05.2015 21:51, TARDIS Maker wrote:
> I guess the devs where getting a bunch of bug reports for it and stuff, and
> they weren't able to take care of them. The main problems with it are that
> it really only works for the 3D view, and I also heard somewhere that it
> was inaccurately stating keys, I can't confirm that though. I guess it's
> also hard to maintain. But there are programs that should do a better job
> of it, although I haven't found any that actually look nice (but I haven't
> looked very hard). There's also the option of doing it in the editing
> stage, but this would be way too complex except for extremely simple things.
> On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 3:32 PM, Knapp <> wrote:
>> On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 9:21 PM, TARDIS Maker <>
>> wrote:
>>> That was removed in 2.72 (I believe) because it has situations where it
>>> doesn't work. You can still find it online, I believe, or you can get it
>>> out of an older version of Blender.
>> Thanks for the info. Perhaps we should remove all the other things that
>> have bugs? :-)
>> Really, this was a good tool. Just because it has corner cases where it
>> fails does not mean it should be removed. It means it should be worked on.
>> IMOHO of course.
>> --
>> Douglas E Knapp
>> Massage in Gelsenkirchen-Buer:
>> Please link to me and trade links with me!
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