
Disney has several recent research on the subject...



2016-03-20 19:24 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Destro <destro.fabri...@gmail.com>:

> Hello everybody! I am Fabrizio I always wanted to contribute to an
> Open Source project. I found out about GSoC about three years ago, but
> I have never applied because I wouldn't have had the time. But, this
> year I would like to try.
> I have looked through the proposed ideas and some of them catch my
> attention. In particularly the Cycles denoiser, I have some questions
> about it.
> First, I want to be sure I understand what the goal is. So, the
> objective is to create a node which, once the rendering is done, will
> work only on the image with the goal to reduce the noise.
> I am not sure about this sentence I found on the wiki: "[...] and
> requires a special buffer with 'delta' information for speed, UV
> [...]". This means that this node will store some data to speed up the
> process on the next rendering? and if so, these data will be valid
> only if the scene didn't change from the last time, right?
> I am currently doing some research online and I found this publication
> on the subject http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2776880.2792740 .
> Does someone have any reference which can be useful? or maybe an idea
> on some algorithms/researches?
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