
I thank for having often had advice.
I updated Git some time ago, but was completed at speed according to normal.
There seems to be no problem for the moment.
Thank you very much for your advice.


----- Original Message -----
>From: Trouble Daemon <troubledae...@gmail.com>
>To: PerfectionCat <sindra1961reb...@yahoo.co.jp>; "bf-committers@blender.org" 
>Date: 2016/3/26, Sat 15:03
>Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] Git repository is very slow again
>What I was trying to say is that the pf firewall is tracking the total number 
>of IP States that you have open. This would include connections to a few of 
>our sites that run on that machine. If you happened to be opening a few to 
>buildbot for a file download (some clients do ranged fetches of multiple 
>chunks in parallel iirc), something like a git pull while you still had a 
>bunch of open connection states from downloading from buildbot could push you 
>over the limit and block you temporarily.
>Perhaps this isn't the case this particular time, but more often than not it 
>is this. Feel free to test this if you like, you won't hurt the servers 
>feelings 😀
>Worst case you can poke me on irc later if you can reproduce the problem and I 
>can look more closely at things, maybe even put some limits on buildbots web 
>server to help avoid this, assuming it's the firewall problem and not 
>something else, of course.
>On Fri, Mar 25, 2016, 11:42 PM PerfectionCat <sindra1961reb...@yahoo.co.jp> 
>>I only started bat command with a command console in a usual procedure.
>>I do not do the git operation elsewhere.
>>I felt that this processing advances when a stage of linux buildbot is 
>>updated, but will there be this and the relations?
>>Best Regard.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: Trouble Daemon <troubledae...@gmail.com>
>>>To: PerfectionCat <sindra1961reb...@yahoo.co.jp>; bf-blender developers 
>>>Date: 2016/3/26, Sat 12:19
>>>Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] Git repository is very slow again
>>>Server seems to be idle here in the last 30min or so. If you were doing a 
>>>bunch of back to back git operations and web stuff at the same time, it's 
>>>quite possible you got blocked by the firewall for a bit though for going 
>>>over the state limits. If developer.blender.org also stops responding when 
>>>the git slow down happens, this is most certainly the case.
>>>On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 10:46 PM PerfectionCat 
>>><sindra1961reb...@yahoo.co.jp> wrote:
>>>Hello Devs.
>>>>I cannot update Git repository.
>>>>Processing seems to stop.
>>>>Best Regard.
>>>>Bf-committers mailing list
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