thanks for this information.
Would you mind to create a report for this?

Here is the link:


You also can assign me to the report.

On 03.11.2016 08:59, Recep Aslantas wrote:
> I've another issue about node transform, since the subject is same I'm 
> writing here
> I think Blender exports COLLADA matrix incorrectly in some cases
> maybe it is related OpenCOLLADA directly I don't know yet
> I created a scene with a sphere and cube, then I scaled cube (ScaleY) a bit
> then I added sphere as child of cube, everythings looks normal in Blender
> So cube is scaled and sphere is not and sphere model matrix must be ID Matrix 
> in World (I think)
> Then I exported as COLLADA, It seems that  Blender exported sphere matrix 
> incorrectly
> I was not sure and test in other tools the exported file
> The exported Node looks like:
> Cube Matrix:
> -0.8466222 -0.507823  0.4833452 0
> -0.4927458  1.530348 -0.5537914 0
> -0.2010783 -1.612002 -0.6780063 0
> 0                  0                0                1
> Sphere Matrix:
> -0.8466221  -0.4927458 -0.2010783 0
> -0.09768837 0.2943883 -0.3100958 0
> 0.4833452   -0.5537914 -0.6780063 0
> 0                   0                  0                1
> If the sphere must be Identiy (in World) then Sphere matrix must be inverse 
> of Cube (in Local) in scene-graph
> am I right?
> After imported the COLLADA file, Blender renders same as I did and different 
> from original,
> but Apple Quicklook still render correctly, weird! modo, FBX Review, tree.js 
> renders like my result
> I'm sharing .blend, .dae and some screenshots via Dropbox:
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9nwr0t9j6e7rj1o/AACPnQ3m-OEq9amNemxZ6TcHa?dl=0
> Recep
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