
Here are the notes from Tuesday's Blender 2.8 planning meeting.

= Last week reports =

* Bastien : Spent most of the week on static override and rework of our ID
copy system (turns out current limitations are not only a problem for
static override/assets, but also for DEG/CoW work from Sergey).

* Campbell : Added manipulator API support for operators.

* Clément : Irradiance volumes (known as probe grid in the UI) are working.
Planar reflections are working but still unfinished (no normal deformation,
no roughness blurring). Appart from finishing the uber shader we are
somewhat following the planning.

* Dalai : Started on render_to_image. But spent most of the week on more
fixes, setting up an Intel development machine to reproduce the issues
there (try new drivers, ...), fixed group collection proposal document,
helped Grease Pencil project, and organized the reports on 2.8 workboard.

* Luca : Finally finished and committed the eevee hair. Made cloth blog
post (ended up being very problematic and time consuming). Worked on
setting up files for the "floating clothes" demo.

* Sergey : Mainly worked on copy-on-write support for dependency graph. Got
Animation playback working in Blender2.8 branch. Still some work to be done
to support all the tools.

= This week’s plan =

*Bastien : Try to finish ID copying stuff, tracker, if time allows back to
static override

*Campbell : Continue Manipulator API, work on operator style property
system & wrap up Py API

*Clément : GTAO, finish uber shader, finish planar reflection to a state
they are usable.

*Dalai : render_to_image, and dabble with the new group proposal.

*Luca : More floating cloth demo work, and some cloth workflow "tutorial".

*Sergey : Will push previous week work to avoid headache on merges in the
future. Also will add a compile time option to not break everything.
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