
I forgot link to OpenMPDevice:


Dne 19. 11. 2018 19:50 napsal uživatel Jaros Milan <milan.ja...@vsb.cz>:

I tried some implementation:

You can see there is a problem with tiles. I changed scalar sample (in task, 
tile, filter, ...) to vector of samples and it works ( I did not create a patch 
yet ) - each pixel has own number of samples.

There is many method for stopping criterias I used most simple based on changes 
of value in render-buffer.

There is other option which could help - using progressive rendering - check 
OpenMPDevice ( the loop over samples could be outer loop of the loop over 
pixels ). In this case the nonprogressive rendering takes same rendering time 
like progressive rendering.

The next feature which could help is not using tilemanager but samplemanager ( 
each thread computes one sample ).

Best regards

Dne 19. 11. 2018 19:01 napsal uživatel Brecht Van Lommel 
We would like to add adaptive sampling, it's just a matter of someone
writing a good implementation which is not trivial.

On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 7:15 AM Kurt Weiss <fun...@kwnet.at> wrote:

> Sampling, Path Tracing:
> Samples: e.g. 70.
> Cycles renders all 70 Samples, regardless of whether the tile is
> changing or not.
> Often that's not neccessary in the main parts of the picture...
> Maybe it's a idea to add a possibility to define a threshold by
> comparing new an old images of the tile. (e.g. max. change of RGB value
> in pixels)
> Especially in areas where only background is present, the engine could
> abort sampling after one or two samples. This would save a lot of time
> at unattended rendering.
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