On 16/11/20 7:00 pm, Brecht Van Lommel via Bf-committers wrote:
To me a UUID makes sense when you want to make a connection between two
completely different databases. Like Blender and a game engine, or an asset
manager that manages data from multiple applications. Any time you have to
do that kind of syncing and no longer have a single source of truth, it's
not an ideal situation in the first place, but UUIDs do help.

I recently encountered a need for UUID when writing an addon. In my case I did not need to manage data between different applications, but I needed a way to keep track of objects/materials/nodes between sessions (even if they were renamed), so pointers were not an option. Besides, pointers can become invalid after undo/redo, even though the object itself still exists and was not changed. Names may not be unique either - for example, top-level compositor node and a node within a group may have exactly the same name. Even if it was not so, the user can change names at any moment.

I was not able to find any other solution, and I ended up implementing UIDs for objects, materials and nodes. For my purposes, 32-bit UIDs (integer hashes) were sufficient, with a check to guarantee uniqueness within single .blend. I also implemented functions to get a pointer to object/material/node by its UID, and each object has .uid_get() function. UID is generated for the first time when this function is called (there is a check to make sure that new UID does not collide with already existing ones).

128-bit UUIDs could be implemented in similar way. It would be much more efficient and cleaner if UUIDs were natively supported.

It can be misused as well. For example I've heard requests for this so
add-ons can store relations to Blender datablocks at runtime, or saved in
.blend files. To me that would be a mistake, as references to datablock
should be done explicitly with pointers that are managed by Blender, that
can be properly referenced counted, cleared, replaced, etc. Also for
library linking datablocks between .blend files this is tempting, but again
it also comes with it own set of issues.

In practice objects/materials are often referenced by their names, at least this was very common when I was looking for examples how to save a list of objects/materials/nodes, or how to keep track of an object chosen by the user between sessions. I agree that pointers should be used when possible, but I could not find a way to reliably get them without unique identifiers.

In my addon I have a list of pointers. Occasionally (for example, because of undo/redo) some or even all of them become invalid, then at the moment I hit invalid pointer, I can get new pointer by UID, and then the rest of the code works as expected even if name of object/material/node was changed.

If this were to be implemented, it does raise some questions:
* Would we want to do this for every datablock? Presumably not because the
memory overhead and cost of generating a UUID, so I guess it would be
something that is generated on demand.
In my specific case I implemented UIDs only for objects, materials and compositor nodes, but in general case, there could a use for unique identifier for any datablock. Indeed, generating UUID on demand is the best and most efficient way.
* Are UUIDs supposed to be unique within one .blend file, or globally
unique across all .blend files? What happens when you copy or rename a
.blend file, do the UUIDs change?

It would be impossible task to make them truly unique across all .blend files, there are always a possibility of collision. But according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem, for 128-bit hash probability of collision is relatively low.

If UUID supposed to uniquely identify a datablock, I think it should not change if .blend file is renamed, since renaming the file does not regenerate the datablock, it stays exactly the same. However, if there are two copies of the same .blend file (they may even have the same name and even the same full path on two different PCs) and each was edited independently, and then objects from both .blend files are appended to a single .blend file, there may be a lot of UUID collisions. This could be solved in a simple way - if imported datablock already has UUID, make sure it is unique when appending to current .blend. If it is not unique then drop UUID (new one will be generated on demand). The same is true for duplicated objects (or other datablocks). This way datablocks which already existed in .blend file will keep their UUIDs for their lifetime (or since the moment UUID was first generated, if this was done on demand).

* Do overrides copy the UUID or generate a new one? I'm guessing it should
generate a new one.

Yes, I also think that it would be appropriate to generate new one in this case.

* What about datablocks that are the result of geometry nodes evaluation?
How does this UUID remain stable if geometry nodes can output an arbitrary
number of objects, that might even vary over time?

In this case UUIDs may not be "stable" - I think if an object was generated again (and this was not because of redo), then it is a different object, so it may not have UUID initially at all - new UUID can be generated on demand. Then UUID may end up having lifetime of a pointer. I did not try geometry nodes myself, but I guess at least parent geometry node itself could have stable UUID.

UUIDs have limitations. The way I see them - they are sort of like unique name which cannot be changed by the user (only automatically generated and once generated, will not change unless there is a collision).

* How does this relate to the asset manager design? There was some
discussion of having UUIDs for that though no conclusion. If it is needed
there, would that UUID be the same?

Few weeks ago when I was googling for existing solutions, I noticed that idea of UUID is not new and was mentioned in context of asset manager but as far as I understand it was not actually implemented. I'm unfamiliar with asset manager design, but I think it is better to keep UUIDs as unique as possible. The simplest way to do that is to generate them randomly. For example, in my implementation I generate unique random hashes to minimize chance of collisions (so even if two nodes have the same name and .get_uid() was called for the first time for both of them almost in the same moment, they will end up with different unique hashes as UID).

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