Hi, I would like to share some of the issues we had with the Windows Store
publishing of 2.91.1 version.

Uploading version to the Windows Store failed with this error:


All .msix and .appx packages (including previously published and currently
uploaded) must be uniquely identified by their full names. You have
provided two packages with the full name
BlenderFoundation.Blender_2.91.1.0_X64_ which have different contents.
Please remove one of these packages, or increment current package versions
to continue.


This was caused as a result of previously uploading to Windows
store a few days earlier using their Test Flight feature. Test Flight
feature allows us to publish a package to a group of selected users without
making the package public.

Incrementing the revision to also failed as we discovered
searching via Google, the version number must be unique,
major.minor.patch.0, and the revision must be set to 0.

Even though all packages were deleted from the Windows Store Test Flight
system, it still detected that it existed.

The only way to fix this on Windows Store is to bump the version from to in the blender git branch and rebuild the package for

For the purpose of continuous delivery, we will no longer use the Test
Flight feature in Windows Store. Snap or Steam are much better suited for
this as they allow for updates using the same version. Final publishing to
Windows Store will start once all other stores have been published and


James Monteath - ja...@blender.org - www.blender.org
Blender DevOps Engineer
Bf-committers mailing list

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