I agree with what Ray said in his last email, however, I would like to add that it seems to me you are further distancing the "core" devs from the community.  Modules will still have to coordinate and communicate with each other, decisions still need to be made regarding releases and overall direction of design, and issues that are relevant to more than one aspect of blender will still need to be resolved.  But, rather than doing this out in the open and allowing the community to participate, you've decided to remove open meetings and instead take everything behind closed doors.  I know that the weekly Monday dev meetings have been attended less and less, in part because the Tuesday Talks replaced some of what they were about, and so their relevance has been diminished, but they are still important.  People like to know the backstory as well as the final decision, they like to be able to see why a decision was made, what was considered, what was driving the decision, etc., and to be able to chime in if they have something relevant to add to the discussion or raise an issue that they feel should be discussed at the meeting, but the new format of announcing what has already happened completely eliminates this and bars the community from potentially adding their voice.  Not everyone participated actively in the meetings, but I'm sure I'm not alone in scrolling back through chat to see exactly what happened and what led to decisions being made.  Iirc, when the Tuesday Talks were first introduced, it was requested that there be a way to watch the actual meetings; unfortunately, nothing ever came of that request.

In case I haven't made myself abundantly clear ;)
I feel that open meetings are an essential part of including the community and should not be abandoned. I won't argue that the current format may be less than ideal and need some changes, but open meetings have been a staple of Blender development from the beginning and I don't think they should be discontinued, but rather, improved.


On 2021-02-09 06:00 AM, bf-committers-requ...@blender.org wrote:
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 17:33:28 +0100
From: Dalai Felinto <da...@blender.org>
To: bf-blender developers <bf-committers@blender.org>
Subject: [Bf-committers] No Monday or Tuesday meetings for the time
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

The Monday (developers) and the Tuesday (modules) meetings are currently on
hold. The Monday one has very little quorum and is rarely useful.

The Tuesday talks (module meetings) are quite a joy actually and I will
miss talking to the modules owners 1:1. But they have always being more
like a  healthy check then a permanent solution. What we need instead is to
make sure the modules are properly structured and can operate autonomously.
But this is a separate topic.

I have a new idea on how to do the weekly communication of the ongoing
module and projects:

* We keep the weekly online page in devtalk for the weekly notes [1].
* Developers keep adding their weekly reports there.
* Everyone adds relevant announcements there
* [new] Modules and projects then add their notes there as well,
* [new] At the end of Mondays I do a final pass in the page and post it

[1] - https://devtalk.blender.org/t/15-february-2021-upcoming/17475.

Any feedback is welcome.

Best regards,
Dalai Felinto - da...@blender.org - www.blender.org
Blender Development Coordinator
Buikslotermeerplein 161, 1025 ET Amsterdam, the Netherlands

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