Hi Ryan,

I am not Dalai, but as Developer Community Coordinator I will try to answer.

1) As Ankit already mentioned, the message was likely marked as spam by some e-mail filter. Nothing more :)

2) Bastien replied to your mail and explained the situation and the reason for his note in the report. He also apologized and confirmed that it was not meant as a personal attack.

The Blender developers do their best to communicate professionally and friendly. In my (round about) 7 years as contributor, in my free time, I always felt welcome. There were of course times, when I disagreed with the decisions made by module owners or the admins. At times this was a little bit frustrating. But the communication was always professional and friendly.

We can of course argue about remarks such as the "(sigh...") in a report, but Bastien explained the situation and I don't see a personal attack in there, only a little bit of frustration and a remark that is human.

Best regards,

Am 24.09.2021 um 07:59 schrieb Ryan Inch via Bf-committers:
Thanks for your quick reply Bastian.  My email wasn't a prompt to be defensive but a request for clarification from Dalai as the Blender Development Coordinator.  Depending on what Dalai says, I'll follow up with your points if need be because this is not about me but how community developers are treated.

Dalai, as Blender Development Coordinator, one specific request from the Epic MegaGrant was to make Blender more professional.  I and other community devs and members do not think this kind of notation is professional.  It also disincentivizes engagement between core devs and community devs who do consider this a type of attack.

So again, my question to you as the Blender Development Coordinator is 'In what case is it acceptable for a developer to put something like "Spent time on re-explaining/re-investigating T9599 (sigh…)." in their official weekly development notes?' And now, in what case is it acceptable to mark an email asking about such an issue as spam?  I was under the impression that personal attacks were not tolerated?


On 2021-09-21 06:00 AM, bf-committers-requ...@blender.org wrote:
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2021 09:20:11 +0200
From: Bastien Montagne <montagn...@wanadoo.fr>
To: Ryan Inch via Bf-committers <bf-committers@blender.org>
Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] *** SPAM *** Weekly Development Notes
Message-ID: <c6100f56-9813-aebe-01ae-5e3b70f57...@wanadoo.fr>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hi Ryan,

Not sure how you see that as a personal attack? Fact is, I think
spending half a day on something does earns it a note in the weekly report.

And yes, I was frustrated spending time having to demo the issue after
explaining it's cause/source, finding again the exact use case
triggering it, rebuilding both branch and master to ensure it was proper
example, etc. We all have (tight) schedules and I was frustrated this
was considered high priority enough to take it over more pressing
matters for Blender 3.0 upcoming BCon2.

I know that expressing personal frustration may not be a good idea, but
that does not in any case make it a personal attack, sorry if you felt
it like that.


On 9/21/21 8:49 AM, Ryan Inch via Bf-committers wrote:
Hello Dalai,
I missed reading Bastien's weekly notes last week or I would have
brought this issue up then.  In Bastien's notes for Week 425 - 09/04
to 09/10, one of his notes is this: "Spent time on
re-explaining/re-investigating T9599 (sigh…)."

In what case is it acceptable for a developer to put something like
this in their official weekly development notes?  I was under the
impression that personal attacks were not tolerated?  (And for the
record it's D9599 not T)


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