On Thursday, January 03, 2008, at 02:17PM, "Christiaan Hofman" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 3 Jan 2008, at 10:57 PM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:
>> On Thursday, January 03, 2008, at 01:39PM, "Christiaan Hofman"  
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On 3 Jan 2008, at 10:27 PM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, January 03, 2008, at 12:25PM, "Christiaan Hofman"
>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> On 3 Jan 2008, at 8:55 PM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:
>>>>>> Okay, that's right.   There's still a retain cycle in the  
>>>>>> migration
>>>>>> controller that should be unnecessary.  When the document window
>>>>>> closes, it closes the migration window regardless of what it's
>>>>>> doing at the time.
>>>>> Why is there a retain cycle? And shouldn't the migration be stopped
>>>>> when the document window closes?
>>>> Yes, it should be stopped, but can the document window actually
>>>> close before this stops?  I can't make it do that.
>>>> If I brute-force a document close like this
>>>>         if (current > 200) {
>>>>             [[self document] close];
>>>>             NSLog(@"closed document %@", [self document]);
>>>>         }
>>>> in the loop, the document clears the window controller's
>>>> backreference.  Since the enumerator retains the publications
>>>> array, it just exhausts the loop and then sends [nil
>>>> updatePreviews].  It's not a big deal, but it's nice to avoid extra
>>>> bookkeeping if the kit already takes care of it.
>>> But if the migration window closes the document will also be cleared,
>>> but then it should still send updatePreviews when it finishes. That's
>>> why the document should be retained. So this is not a good example.
>>>>>>>>> +    // keep a reference to the document, because it may go  
>>>>>>>>> away
>>>>>>>>> when the window closes while we're busy
>> So the comment refers to closing the migration window?  I'm not  
>> able to close that before the loop finishes, either.  If this were  
>> possible, though, shouldn't it send -stop when the migration window  
>> closes?  This isn't working in a separate thread, so I don't see  
>> why anything, let alone the document, needs to stop it.
>It may be hard, but as the main thread is run it's not impossible.  
>I'm not sure if it should be stopped when the window closes, without  
>any warning. Though I don't trust it when it would go on modifying  
>the items after the document window closes.

Hmm...I guess it partly depends on how sendEvent: and NSRunLoop interact.  If 
that's a concern let's just remove the NSRunLoop call and replace it with 
[[self window] displayIfNeeded].  Then there will certainly be no event 
processing until that method exits.

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