On Jan 6, 2008, at 12:41 PM, Christiaan Hofman wrote:

> Sorry, I have to come back to that. I just got an assertion failure  
> in the test program:
> 2008-01-06 21:37:44.165 FileView Program[13435] *** Assertion  
> failure in -[FVWebViewIcon renderOffscreen], /Users/hofman/ 
> Development/Bibdesk/trunk/bibdesk/vendorsrc/amaxwell/FileView/ 
> FVWebViewIcon.m:435
> 2008-01-06 21:37:44.179 FileView Program[13435] An uncaught  
> exception was raised
> 2008-01-06 21:37:44.189 FileView Program[13435] Invalid parameter  
> not satisfying: NULL == _fullImageRef
> 2008-01-06 21:37:44.198 FileView Program[13435] *** Uncaught  
> exception: <NSInternalInconsistencyException> Invalid parameter not  
> satisfying: NULL == _fullImageRef

I can't reproduce that, even if I disable a core.  What URL does it  
happen with?  One that works or fails?  It's not a critical assertion,  
but needsRenderForSize: shouldn't return YES if the full image was non- 
NULL.  Obviously I'm missing something....

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