On 2008-07-14 10:10:15 -0700, Christiaan Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> On 14 Jul 2008, at 6:31 PM, Adam Maxwell wrote:
>> On 2008-07-13 08:28:24 -0700, Christiaan Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> said:
>>> Adam, I hope you still see this. I am a bit uncertain whether
>>> BDSKAsynchronousDOServer is stopped properly. Especially if the
>>> server
>>> thread runloop is stopped, and whether -cleanup is guaranteed to be
>>> executed. I could imagine the following errors to occur:
>>> 1. send -cleanup
>>> 2. set shouldKeepRunning to 0
>>> 3. server thread runloop finishes some long calculation, no new
>>> runloop run as shouldKeepRunning == 0
>>> Result:
>>> -cleanup is never run, because there is no runloop to pick it up
>> Sounds plausible.  I'm not sure of a way around this, since turning
>> "&&
>> didRun" into "|| didRun" means that the thread could keep running
>> forever unless all the inputs are removed, so it would no longer be a
>> guaranteed stop mechanism.
>>> 1. send -cleanup
>>> 2. serverThread executes -cleanup immediately
>>> 3. server thread starts new runloop run
>>> 4. set shouldKeepRunning to 0
>>> Result:
>>> the runloop on the server thread never finishes, as it gets no input
>>> anymore
>> This also seems possible, although invalidating the connection may
>> tickle the runloop.  Having only thought about this briefly, a safe
>> workaround might be to do this in cleanup:
>> OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier(1, 0, (int32_t
>> *)&serverFlags->shouldKeepRunning);
>> [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
>> beforeDate:[NSDate distantPast]];
>> which would ensure the runloop exits.  Alternately, running it with a
>> short timeout in runDOServerForPorts: instead of +[NSDate
>> distantFuture] would work.  IIRC I use the finite timeout for a
>> similar
>> problem in FVConcreteOperationQueue.
> That's usually not recommended, because it amounts to polling.
> Moreover you would need to wait at least the timeout before it's
> finished.

Blocking with a timeout isn't the same as polling with a timer.  Using 
a runloop with a timeout is recommended here:



on the section "Exiting the Run Loop."

>> In fact, setting shouldKeepRunning = 0 in -cleanup would solve the
>> first problem, also (I think), providing the message doesn't get
>> dropped.  There may be some subtle reason it's set in the main thread,
>> but there's no comment to that effect.
> That's what I was thinking of, just change the order of the two lines.

I was suggesting that the flag be set in the server thread; changing 
the order wouldn't work...(I see you noticed that below).

> The main reason it's set in the main thread is that a running (long)
> task may decide to stop executing, e.g. in a long while-loop. If
> shouldKeepRunning is set to 0 on the server thread it won't happen
> till the current calculation has finished.

It won't happen until the end of the calculation loop anyway unless the 
calculation loop runs the runloop and checks that flag, though, right?

> If the order of the two lines is reversed, I think the only problem
> can be that cleanup may not be called. So why not do the real cleanup
> at the end of -runDOServerForPorts:? I think the only real reason not
> to do that was that the runloop needs to be stopped, but it could just
> as well be tickled by a further empty (and therefore irrelevant)
> method. Then, if that method was not send because the runloop has
> already finished, it's not a problem.

Yes, deallocating at the end of runDOServerForPorts: ought to work, and 
is probably cleaner.  I'd have it call -cleanup for backwards 
compatibility, though, since numerous subclasses override it.  I 
wouldn't guarantee that there are no dependencies on the order of 
-cleanup vs. other teardown, either.


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