FYI, as IIRC list won’t let non-members send messages. Recent versions of 
BibDesk should already handle this correctly, right?

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Richard Koch <>
> Subject: Lazy MacTeX Request
> Date: February 14, 2016 at 22:05:03 PST
> To: <>, <>, 
> "Maxwell, Adam R" <>
> Cc: Herbert Schulz <>
> Folks,
> I maintain MacTeX, used to install TeX Live on OS X. We are just starting
> to construct the 2016 version.
> I’m writing you because you are associated with one of the GUI programs
> we install: BibDesk, LaTeXiT, TeX Live Utility, TeXShop. Thanks for allowing
> us to use your work!
> In 2015 at the last moment, we were forced to move the link to the binaries
> from /usr/texbin to /Library/TeX/texbin. MacTeX installed both links
> on versions of OS X prior to El Capitan, and only the second link on versions
> of OS X starting with El Capitan. That’s also what will happen this year.
> There wasn’t time to modify GUI apps. Users upgrading to El Capitan
> don’t read our web pages. Instead they install, try TeX and discover
> that it doesn’t work, and write us. The support team is exhausted.
> It is important to fix this in 2016. I’ve been very lazy and didn’t try out
> current versions of any of the apps to see if they automatically 
> reconfigure. It appears that some of you already fixed the problem. 
> Could you confirm that you have fixed things, or if not, estimate 
> when a new version will be available?
> Here are the key situations:
>       A user installs TeX for the first time on El Capitan.
>       The app should configure itself to use /Library/TeX/texbin
>       A user installed TeX on an earlier system, and later updates
>       to El Capitan. The app should recognize the change and
>       reconfigure itself to use /Library/TeX/texbin
>       if that link exists. 
> Developers have two philosophies. Some make changes automatically
> without notifying the user. Others believe the user should always have
> control, so they put up a dialog suggesting a change, explain the
> reason, and allow the user to accept or reject the change. Both
> are acceptable to us. Please say briefly which approach you use.
> There is a third situation:
>       A user has a version of TeX Live made before 2015
>       on an older operating system. They update to El Capitan
>       and discover that TeX no longer works. But your App
>       cannot reconfigure because the link /Library/TeX/texbin
>       does not exist. 
> We cannot request that you fix this for MacTeX, because users installing
> MacTeX will get the new link. But it could reduce your support problems,
> and possibly ours as well, if your app put up a dialog in this situation 
> explaining
> the problem and possible fix. Installing MacTeX or BasicTeX 2015 or 2016
> is one fix. Another is to write the link directly, as Herbert Schulz explains 
> in
> documentation on the MacTeX pages: 
> Dick Koch

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