On 8/17/07, Adam R. Maxwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday, August 17, 2007, at 04:44PM, "Christiaan Hofman" <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >On 18 Aug 2007, at 1:33 AM, Peter Cowan wrote:
> >
> >> What I want is for an empty WOS search group to remain persistently
> >> (e.g. from launch to launch) in the group sidebar.  I use it for
> >> different searches almost every time I launch Bibdesk, and I'd rather
> >> not select it from the menu every time (though I could give it a
> >> shortcut which would be a workable solution).
> >>
> >
> >You cannot add search group persistently to a document. At some point
> >we decided we didn't want to do that, and there are some technical
> >problems related to that. You can add bookmarks for search groups so
> >you can quickly add them again to your document.
> Beware that WoS bookmarks are broken in 1.3.7, but fixed in the last nightly 
> build.  If you try using them in 1.3.7 the search will never return (PubMed 
> and z39.50 are unaffected by this).  It sounds like you really just want a 
> keyboard shortcut for the WoS bookmark?  There's really not that much 
> difference between clicking an empty search group and selecting the menu 
> item, as far as I can see, so keeping search groups in the source list 
> doesn't seem like much of a win.

If I understand correctly you don't want to store them in the bib
file?  I wouldn't mind having it in a general preference file, thus
showing up in all databases.  However, that might lead to a confusing
experience for other users.  I agree that it doesn't seem that
different that selecting something from a menu, I just don't like
using menus much.

A shortcut will be fine for me so I tried using the system preferences
to set the WOS menu item to control-W.  This appears to work, the
shortcut shows up in the menu.  However, while selecting the item from
the menu works as expected, the key command just beeps at me.  Any
suggestions?  I'm using the nightly from the 17th.


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