As a recent post pointed out, there are issues with input managers on  
Leopard.  Apple's official position is that input manager bundles have  
never been supported:

Because of tightened restrictions in Mac OS X 10.5, the Completion  
pref pane will not be available on 10.5 and later.  The input manager  
bundle will still be in BibDesk's bundle if you want to grope around  
and install it yourself, but it will be unsupported.  You can search  
the web or the 10.5 AppKit release notes for further info.

BibDesk's input manager is really handy, but it's been a huge hassle  
to maintain, and uses some nasty hacks.  If you'd like to see the  
functionality incorporated into your favorite Cocoa editor, please ask  
the developer to incorporate the code that we have.


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