>> I use the cite key as the local file name, so my custom file format
>> string was simply "%f{Cite Key}"... but now 1.3.13 says that this is
>> invalid because "Format for local file requires a unique specifier."
>> I'm fairly certain that cite keys are required to be unique, so I
>> think this is a bug.  Thoughts?
> Cite keys should be unique within a document, but it's not
> guaranteed.  AutoFile needs a specifier that lets it create a unique
> filename on disk, since the filenames on your disk are independent of
> your document and cite keys.

Hm.  So here's my problem -- for cite keys, I use something like  
"first author's last name"-"journal"-"year" followed by a lowercase  
letter if necessary for uniqueness.  I can't auto-generate them  
because I use my own quirky abbreviations for journal names (e.g.,  
"Journal of Fluid Mechanics" is "jfm", but "Annual Review of Fluid  
Mechanics" is "annrevfm").  Each cite key is unique, so I use them as  
autofile specifiers and all of my references live happily in a single  
folder on my disk.  Is there any way to achieve this in 1.3.13?

I suppose that this is a lengthy way of asking, "Is there any way to  
have the cite key and the file name be the same?"

> I think there was a post on this yesterday as well.

Yes, I see that now -- sorry I missed it.  I apologize for the overlap.

Thanks very much for your help.

Best, Chris

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