On Jan 17, 2008, at 5:19 PM, Andy Green wrote:

> I wrote a while ago about getting z39.50 support working with NASA
> ADS, and you guys were great. Unfortunately, I found out from ADS
> that they are not planning to support z39.50, and may remove it.

Well, that sucks.  Their z39.50 support is lousy, but at least z39.50 / 
is/ an established, documented library standard, and suited to network  
queries.  Why are they considering removing it?

> However, the new web search feature has tempted me, as I see more
> potential there. ADS is able to return standard bibtex entries as
> search results. So I got it working such that I could search, get a
> results page (all in BibTeX, which I ignored) in the first pane, and
> then the results ready to import in the second and third pane. But
> now that doesn't seem to work. I'm guessing that the first two lines
> of the results (which aren't valid bibtex) are confusing the parser,
> but I'm not sure.

If you can provide a link, that would help...but your diagnosis is  
likely correct.  The web parsers are all one-off jobs for each site.   
Not hard to write, but each one requires custom code and runs a chance  
of breaking.  We might want to reconsider allowing plugins for them...

> Seems it would be easy to get ADS working similarly to Google
> Scholar, or similar. Also, it might be better/easier to use the ADS
> Tagged Format instead of BibTeX, since it includes the abstracts. I
> can send more details if that helps.

Well, the ADS tagged format is documented, and not really hard to  
parse.  But it still sucks.  Why does every site feel a need to a)  
write their own bastard server/search tool b) use their own bastard  
query syntax and c) write their own bastard tagged data format?  I  
know that's not your fault, but it really irritates me.

> On a related note, it would be nice, now that the web kit is
> installed, to be able to visit a linked web page from within BibDesk,
> and even nicer, if clicking on a pdf (or maybe even other types) link
> on that web page would automatically download and link the file to
> the BibDesk entry. (Someone showed me this feature in Pages today,
> and I was very impressed.)

Yeah, I'd like that too.  Hopefully someone will implement it :).  One  
issue is that there's often not a single entry to link it to (e.g. in  
Google Scholar results).  I haven't looked at Papers (assuming that's  
what you meant?) lately to see how they handle this.


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