On 21 Jan 2008, at 11:22 PM, Sampsa Samila wrote:

> Is it possible to write an AppleScript / has someone written an
> AppleScript to take BibDesk keywords and write them as Spotlight
> comments in the linked files? I'm using BibDesk to manage my
> references and associated PDFs as well as DEVONthink for project
> specific notes. Having the keywords in the Spotlight comments would
> allow automatic filing of PDFs to the correct projects in DEVONthink.

That should be possible. Something containing this should work (typed  
in Mail);

tell aPub
     set theKeywords to get value of field "Keywords"
     repeat with aFile in linked files
         tell application "Finder"
             set comment of aFile to theKeywords
         end tell
     end repeat
end tell


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